
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Just a Little Story

There was once a girl who was a little lonely and hoping for a boy to come along that she could marry, but she was independent and mostly happy alone.

One day, she decided to go to a dance out in the country with her roommate, roommate's family, and some of her own family as well.

She hadn't danced with anyone all night until a boy came up and asked her. He asked for her number and they eventually began dating.

Her family liked him and his family liked her. This was her first boyfriend but he had had several past relationships. She was worried about his vast level of experience, but stayed with him because he seemed sweet. Two months into the relationship, something wasn't right.

 They were hanging out one weekend and he took it too far. She repeatedly told him no and to stop, but he did not.

She broke up with him.

She was so ashamed but G-d told her that what she experienced was not her fault, she did what was legally required and he should have stopped.

She went to the ER for a sane exam a few days later. The nurses were very sweet and she found support and reassurance.

They told her it was not her fault. She learned she is not pregnant and she was fully examined to ensure no physical trauma was present.

Though she must now deal with this brokeness for the rest of her life and she will now have to explain it to her future husband, she has faith the L-rd redeems and brings beauty from the ashes. She's not okay, but she will be okay again one day.


  1. Oh no! I don't know what to say except I'm sorry this happened! If you need a shoulder, contact me! I hope that you have some healing occur somehow, someway... find a support group, because unless they've beent through it, it's impossible to empathize.... I can certainly sympathize. Oh man :(

  2. Thank you Nurse Dee. I should have heeded your advice and made sure we had chaperone's but hindsight is always 20/20 :) I'm doing well most days, but I think I'm mostly numb right now. I have breakthrough troubles but can keep it together for the most part. I also contacted a local agency that helps with this kind of thing and I am hoping to get some counseling in the near future. The L-rd has a plan and maybe I'd end up being a good forensic/SANE nurse, who knows. Or maybe it will help me be more empathetic for ladies giving birth who have gone through similar or worse situations. G-d will use this for His good and life will go on.

  3. I can't believe it happened - I'm sure you feel that exact same way. I don't know how you're concentrating right now though. I agree that there's a God's plan but geeze does it suck that that's the way that yours has to take... all because a man decided to be greedy. It's despicable! Question for you tho.... have you taken legal action? If you don't feel comfortable having this conversation here.... email me (if you forget it it's

  4. I'm absolutely not concentrating. I have a paper and a boat load of assignments due Friday and I cannot sit still long enough to do anything. I've been sleeping about 14-16 hours a day and I can't watch any movie with a rating over PG, so I've been watching kid movies as long as they don't have a love story in them (like princess movies, I can't handle those). I have a case number but I haven't pressed charges. I don't want his name made bad in his own hometown and I don't want him sent to jail. I've been considering telling him that I now have an ER bill ($5000) and that I spend 3 hours in the ER Saturday. I now also have to have counseling and pay for that, and I am completely against contraception/birth control for myself (he knows this) and I had to take a Plan B pill to hopefully ensure I'm not pregnant. I just can't bring myself to tell him though. If I do get up the nerve, I'll have to have a friend present so that if he starts to guilt me into stuff or yell at me then they can help me hang up the phone. At the same time, though, I don't want him to be so stressed that he drinks too much or kills himself. I know that he has a temper so I don't know what he would do if he got this kind of information.

    Long story short, I have kind of taken legal action because it was reported anonymously but I don't plan on pressing charges unless he goes off the handle and tries to come see me. I think that just knowing that it hurt me is enough for him because he's beating himself up right now just because I broke up with him and I told him it's because he went too far. Knowing that going too far now means legal actions, I think he would keep to himself and not try to see me and maybe it'll save a girl down the road from having to go through this nonsense.
