
Friday, November 11, 2016

American Elections

I am not so shallow as to believe that American's are all the world talks about. Honestly, I feel like America should not be talked about.

We are discussed with a sneer and snicker, behind the hands of billions of people, both foreign and domestic because right now, America is a mess.

In my personal opinion, I am shocked that Hillary and Trump are the two candidates we had to choose from for this election. Like, really? Guys, for real. Who the hell decided that these two ding-bats would be the ones to represent the large majority of the nation.

While I am irritated that these two were our main choices, I am excited that at least one of them was not a career politician. I don't think politics should be a career goal. When the government got started, it was made up of inventors, farmers, fancy people, lay people, and people of all backgrounds. Unfortunately, I do not believe it was made of people of "color", but the basis of having a government by the people for the people is the concept that we have long since lost.

Having people bring forth the "common place" problems we all face, makes much more sense than having people who have been raised in families of privilege and simply make their 6-7 figure salaries without ever having to show up to work for more than 2-3 days a year. Forget having the millions of dollars deposited into their bank accounts by lobbyists every other day. These men and women are swayed by money and think that just because they are elected, they can do as they wish. Thing is, when I voted last week, most of our state representatives didn't even have anyone from the other party running against them...

These people are voted into office because nobody else is raising money to run against them.

Government should not be a popularity contest.

My mom suggested something the other day that got me to thinking... What if congress was run by regular people and we all took turns in our Congressional Duty, just like we do for jury duty. We could have people elected and go to congress for a few weeks or a month. They will get their base pay and a slight bit more (which will all be waaaaaaay less than the idiots sitting in office now are getting paid) and you go and vote for what matters for you. Things are laid out in lay-man's terms and everyone has a chance of being called in from the lottery system to go vote on important issues. Besides that, most things should be dealt with on a state and county basis.

Why are We the People not being heard simply because we are too low for anyone up on The Hill to hear? We are paying their paychecks, after all, but they are simply not for us. They are corrupt, lazy, and often don't even show up to vote for themselves. What the hell do they do all day?

They don't follow our same rules of life, they have different insurance than the rest of us, and they are so far out-of-touch with reality that it drives me insane. The laws they vote for do not apply to them, but they can vote to have raises for themselves, even though they already have more money than they know what to do with.

No. The government should be run by the people.

I'm not happy that Trump won, but I would not have been happy if Clinton had won. She had her time in office when Bill's name was on the door. Plus, she's a fucking loon.

I voted for neither of them, to be straight with you. People voted largely for parties, this election, not so much for the candidates. Most people are sick of the democratic shit that we've endured the past two terms, so they wanted change. Also, Clinton's ideas of how the world works is so frickin distorted it's not even funny. She needs to be charged and arrested and put into a maximum security prison, not the Martha Stewart version of prison. Bill, needs to have his presidential retirement package taken away because he was impeached. That dumbass should not have even finished out his term. Obviously there are some really bad things that are going on in that household, but they have the generosity to try to share their corruption with the rest of America and even the World! How sweet! Am I right?*** (***That's solid sarcasm there, in case you didn't catch it.***)

There are some bright sides to Trump, though. He has billions of dollars. He is a business man. He believes in bringing jobs back to America and keeping money in America instead of shipping all of our good, jobs, and money to everyone in the world except for us. C'mon people! Keep the money in the United States so that we have a hope of still having a fighting chance in the world. We work ourselves into poverty because we send all of our manufacturing, computer, telephone, and other jobs overseas. It may be cheaper for the companies, but if those in America no longer have money to buy the goods with, what benefit is it to anyone? If there is less money in circulation because it's in China, Japan, and Mexico, we will have no ability to even pay for food pretty soon.

I'm hoping that he truly reforms Obamacare, and makes it no longer mandatory, but also makes it illegal for insurance companies to gouge everyone on rates, while refusing coverage to those born with health problems or those with chronic conditions. Fucking insurance companies need to stop being so greedy and need to pay out instead of stockpiling all of the money we send in. Honestly, health care charges also need to be more reasonable.

America is all about greed and trying to become wealthy. We trample those around us in order to make another buck and look where it's gotten us. Trump and Hillary, with no money in any of the middle class' families pockets because it's hoarded in banks on every coast of every other continent but our own, but a select few people.

Changes need to be made and people need to calm the fuck down. We didn't riot in the streets when Obama was elected the first time, nor the second time even though he did not have many supporters at that point anyway.

Meanwhile, there are riots in the street after Trump is elected and everyone crying and demanding a recount. Oh. My. Gosh. All of the snapchat feed stories I saw today were about "self-care after devestating news" and "it's okay to cry and be angry right now" and blah, blah, blah. Guys, are we not fucking adults? If you don't like the results, then work to fight for causes that are important to you! Get out and vote! Do things that are productive, but put on your fucking big girl panties (regardless of your gender) and grow the fuck up. We survived 8 years of the shit-storm that was Obama, you can survive a term under Trump's leadership.

We, those who didn't vote for or support Obama the last two terms, did not go around crying, pissing, and moaning that his evil ass got "voted" into office. All y'all that wanted Hillary can grow a pair and deal with life for a little bit. We're in America. We are free. We are going to get through this. Hey, maybe Trump can even be good for us... It's a new day and the world is a weird place.

But, for real, the riots need to stop. Y'all aren't getting anything done, except maybe ridding the general public of a few of you people who feel violence is acceptable. Which, if that happens and you're willing to board the bus to go to prison to be with people that are of a similar mind, then be my guest! Good news about prison: you don't have to work, fights are expected, food is provided, and you can even make yourself some friends while you're in there. So go ahead deary, and write to your friends and family on the outside to bitch about how much more life sucks in prison than it did under Trump's leadership in the free world.

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