
Monday, February 22, 2016

10 Thanksgivings

Good grief, this is post #4 today, I think. I just have so much in my brain and going on in life that I just can't help it.

Anyway, on the way to school this morning we started talking about how roomie wears a lot of make-up and she keeps forgetting to take it off at night, so she just puts more on in the morning. I challenged her to go 5 days without make-up, but I told her she could have eyeliner and mascara.

Oh man, you would have thought I asked her to sell $10,000,000 worth of drugs in a week! I then told her that if she did that, then she could challenge me to something.

Her challenge was for me to find 5 things each day that I am grateful for. It's kind of related to my self affirmations that are my counseling homework for this week.

I agreed then rattled off 5 things for yesterday.

"That was too easy! You should do 10 each day!" She said.

I replied with, "Fine! Then you have to go 10 days without make-up!"

She agreed because she has no clinicals or class for the next 3 days...

Damn it.

Regardless, I am going to stay good on my promise. So, here are my 10 thanksgiving from today:
  1. Our first pediatrics test was a group test and I was put with two very smart people.
  2. I finished my homework before my afternoon class because I didn't do it last night.
  3. I am so very grateful I have counseling tomorrow.
  4. The semester is nearly done and that means school is almost over!
  5. My Roomie is spending the night at our apartment tonight. This is good because she's been house-sitting for over a week and it's been lonely and scary here alone.
  6. Tomorrow I get the contact information for someone that is going to help me with legal troubles I am having.
  7. I was able to "study" today with a few close friends and my Roomie helped us because she already took the course we are currently in.
  8. I am grateful for Roomie because she listens to me and helps me when she can.
  9. I survived today.
  10. I survived my life through 2015 with all of the tragedy and complications of meeting a couple terrible guys.


  1. I like your list - even if you are struggling through things - it shows that even when things are tough, that you can find those little things (that when viewed in the right way can add up to big things!) that they can mean everything.

    Remember that since you're in your last semester and you're dealing with such a crappy prof - that you are almost through February - and if your semester finishes when mine does - we're pretty much at the half way point!!! Take that as a success and something to be thankful for!

  2. Yes, we are almost to the halfway point! Praise the L-rd, I am so ready to be done. I'm just ignoring the dread of not knowing what is going to happen after graduation. It's cool... But seriously, G-d has a plan, I just have to trust Him
