
Sunday, November 6, 2016

LC to Call-In

I got to go to work last night! On top of that, I got a bunch of baby snuggles, got to see how nursing work is done for time-change, AND I got to watch a vaginal twin birth and the second kid was a footling breech!

Guys, let's talk about that again...

An OB/GYN delivered a footling breech baby!!! AND I got to see it!!!

I went into work, with the charge offering me two babies that had been with us for awhile. I asked one of the girls who was on admissions if she wanted to go to the birth, because I had heard the mama was going to a vaginal delivery. The girl said I could go because she doesn't like deliveries!!!

Oh what a wonderful day. The poor girls that were there all night had to work 13 hours. We had two 0100 columns in our charting system due to time change. I would be perfectly okay if we did away with the irritating daylight savings' time changes. Goodness, babies don't understand why we're holding off food from them for an extra 30 minutes for two "random" feedings. They can't be talked to and reasoned with as to why we are making them wait and why they are hungry. So many of the babies were hungry and crying because we had them wait. Poor kids.

Ah well, I think I may have passed out from exhaustion if I had to work the full 13 hours. Praise the L-rd for helping me in unexpected ways!

Oh, and on top of that, I learned that I wasn't supposed to get floated the other day. I'm not supposed to get floated until I've been working for at least 6 months. So maybe the practices of this particular charge nurse will get questioned so that an investigation into the hazing of newbies can be started... If not, I'll survive. Whatever, now I know I'm not supposed to go by myself. Cross-training is one thing, but to be sent by myself is another.


  1. amazeballs! What an experience to be part of. Certainly rare in today's practice of cautionary medicine.

  2. Oh my gosh, I KNOW!!! I was not expecting it but it was so amazing!!! Mama had to deliver in the OR, but the fact that doc "allowed" her to do it in the first place was amazing!
