
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Application for Graduation is IN!!!

Folks, I got an email today explaining how to apply for graduation! Yay! I'm almost done with this hell that is nursing school. Right now I'm excited. Someday soon, I will be sad I didn't do more during college.

So, I am conflicted with how to feel.

Therefore, I'll focus on the happiness. I'm nearly done with nursing school and I am on track to finish college with a degree in just a few months. Praise the L-rd for bringing me through all the days I was certain I should drop out.



  1. WTG looking at the good (which it absolutely is!) - I'm rather envious that you get to graduate before me. Oh to be down to the final semester!

  2. Nurse Dee, this has been a hard 3.5 years and this last semester will be difficult as well. But keep strong, you'll be here before you know it!
