
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Phil Fired?!

Everyone knows I love Duck Dynasty, right? Have y'all heard that Phil Robertson has been put on indefinite hiatus from Duck Dynasty on A&E!? Guys, he got "fired" (not really, but kinda) because he stood up for G-d, the Bible, and his beliefs. I, for one, am glad that he did because we are all called to defend the Word and share it with the world. So, I support him because he is sticking up for the L-rd.

To me, it sounds like A&E almost baited him like the Pharisee's and Sadducee's did with Yeshua (Jesus). Now, I am not entirely certain of this because I only had time to read one post about the whole ordeal tonight, but I will continue to look into the matter. However, it seems like they (A&E) asked Phil about his beliefs and about homosexuality. Phil then responded respectfully saying that he does not agree with homosexuality because G-d put in the Bible that it is a sin. WE ALL SIN!!! Pointing that little fact out is not hateful and it is not meant to cause shame or harm to anyone. He went on to explain that he still loves everyone whether homosexual, bisexual, hetero, etc. and he just doesn't agree with their lifestyle. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is an excellent quote summing the whole thing. For this, Phil was put on indefinite hiatus. Folks, don't think that just because we are 2000 years past ordeals that Yeshua and the disciples went through, that we are immune from persecution from the world. If we are speaking Truth, there is a good chance someone will be offended and they will stir up a world of hurt. Well, they can try. In reality, G-d is in control, He just lets them make a big deal about how upset they are.

There is nothing new under the sun and this will absolutely NOT be the last time someone is "fired" or harassed for their beliefs. Make sure you speak respectfully. Practice what you have to say about all issues in the world today. If you do not have a respectful way to say something, or you do not know enough about a certain issue and how G-d says to handle it in the Bible and through prayer, tell the person/people that you will get back to them. We are not here to offend everyone and hurt everyone's feelings. We are here to love on them but also give them answers according to what the God Book says, should they ask. Don't go looking for trouble. If someone comes to you with a question/dilemma, consult G-d, the Bible, and possibly a rabbi/pastor/elder/etc. Do not blindly answer questions about tough issues. Make sure to do your research thoroughly and not just a glance at Google's top hit. Be ready to defend the name of Yeshua and Ad-nai. Always be ready to give account for the Hope you have in Yeshua and make sure that you can make a stand for G-d when the time comes. My time has come a lot, and there are more coming. It's life. G-d is also wanting to know that you are not lukewarm. He says there is nothing so bad as a lukewarm believer, so make sure you know what side of the fence you're on and then stay on it!

Fellow believers, do not be so naive to think that the occasion will not arise that you will have to defend G-d, your faith, your friends, and anything else of value to you. It will happen. Find encouragement and Shalom in the L-rd and in the Word, but be prepared. I love you, my dear brothers and sisters in the L-rd.

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