
Monday, February 22, 2016

One to Top Off the Day

Y'all remember Jersey from a few weeks ago? She yelled at me after class and over text for hours because she was mad that I didn't invite her to the mall.

Guess what she's doing?

She is talking to my friends and telling them that I am mad at her for no reason. Hahaha!

So, she told me not to tell anyone what she was telling me. Meanwhile, she is telling everyone half truths about me being angry at her for no reason. Unfortunately for her, my friends know that her story doesn't sound like me. Therefore, they came to me and asked what was going on. I told them the full story. That means things I am not proud of saying AND the general basis of what she said and did. All of a sudden my friends are starting to tell me, "wow, that makes so much more sense! Her story sounds nothing like you!"

No shit!

Believe it or not, I don't act as petty as Jersey says I do. I plan out my reactions carefully so that when someone comes back to me, saying someone else told them I did something mean, I can think back and show them proof that I am not as crazy as the person told them I am.

Too bad for Jersey my friends are actual friends and they are over the middle school shit she is trying to pull.

Please, oh L-rd, don't let anything else happen today. I can't handle one more thing happening today. I am so over it!!!

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