
Friday, February 15, 2013

The Cherry On Top

I totally forgot to mention the fire drill! You know how confusing a fire drill is to the elderly? Plus, how difficult it is to actually protect the elderly in case of a fire? Extremely difficult. Think about all those school fire drills and how long it took to get everyone to a safe location with people that walk and can run, if need be. Totally different with this group. If there is a fire, the protocol saves only a handful of residents. I never realized how hard this would be. In hospitals and these types of care facilities, it is impossible to save everyone from the fire, so everyone just bunkers down and stays in their room, praying that the fire does not get to them. This brings up so many worries, concerns and fears, but G-d is in control. Should a fire ever happen, I do not know that I would be able to leave anyone behind.

Sorry for the dismal turn this post took, I just care so much about these residents and all my future patients.

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