
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sweet Eli

I saw this link on Facebook, so I followed it and I am so glad I did. This sweet little boy would have been aborted if the parents would have listened to the doctors, I am so very glad that they didn't. Read the story and watch the video, just have some tissues on hand.

Copy and paste:

This story is especially special to me, because my family was told the same things. My mom and dad were unmarried when I was born, but they got married shortly after my birth. When my mom went in for a check up, the doctors found a tumor. They advised her to get an abortion because there was a very small chance I would make it to my second birthday. If I did make it that long, I would have severe mental and physical disabilities because I had Tay-Sachs Disease. To protect my parents from this tragedy of losing their baby, they suggested abortion. My mom refused. It turns out the "tumor" was just my cerebrospinal fluid developing abnormally early. Needless to say, I made it past my second birthday and I am just fine.

Today, I am completely healthy. I have no disabilities and I am planning on celebrating my nineteenth birthday in April. Sweet Eli, may have some cosmetic differences, but he is beautiful. There is no doubt in my mind that G-d planned Eli's life and my life to show that what doctors call impossible is, in fact, possible with G-d. If our parents listened blindly to the doctor's advice, he and I would not be here today. I am so very proud of his parents, and my parents, for having the courage to go on with pregnancy knowing that the doctor's had such a bad prognosis for us. It took a lot of fighting for my mom to convince the doctor's she would not even think about aborting me. Why are doctor's so set on pressuring their patients? Aren't they supposed to present the facts and ways to go about handling situations, then allow their patients to decide?

I am so very thankful for his parents having the strength and courage to go through with their pregnancy, and now they are raising a beautiful baby boy and defying odds. Today, parents like these are what I am so very thankful for.

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