
Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog Suggestions

For me, it is very interesting to be able to read about others' lives. Often on blogs, people share more than they normally would if they were ever to meet you, that is certainly true concerning this blog about my life. But I just wanted to share some blogs I have enjoyed.
  1. AtYourCervix
  2. RN: Real Newbie, a nurse's blog
These are just two, but this site has lists of other great nursing blogs. Plus, you can use a search engine to find a huge variety of other blogs. I have found some hilarious ones, but I have not kept track of them. There will likely be more to come, probably in the summer when I don't have so much going on. If you have any great blogs, feel free to share!

*Disclaimer: I do not agree with using "bad" words, curse words, G-d's name in vain, etc. Please forgive any such language in these blogs, I do not agree with it and apologize in advance if you are offended by it also. For the most part, the two blogs above do not use much/any inappropriate language. Also, there may be "graphic" imagery. Nothing too bad because there is only so much that can be said, but I also apologize if you do not approve of that type of content. We are nurses, nursing students, or usually in some form of health care related business. This subject matter is just a normal part of life for us, but I understand for many it may not be.

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