
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

One of Those Days

Today is just one of those weird kind of days. The simplicity theme has been running through my head, I had two anatomy tests, went to a school function (so out of the ordinary for me), and it got weirder but I don't know why it seems weird. My tests were so hard! I was not expecting these types of tests. My teacher is changing it up from what he had been doing all year long, until now, and I think I may have bombed it. My lab anatomy test was not so bad, but I did not know the material enough for the test despite the 6-8 hours I spent studying with my friend and talking through everything. Oh this class may just kill my nursing college career before I even get into the program! The school function was like a Ms. United States or something, but just for our school. I went to support my friend who, unfortunately, got let go after the first round. My friends were saying it was because there were really strong sorority ties with most of the contestants and she is not in a sorority, but I am not sure.

Do you ever have those days were everything just seems a little off? Do you ever have those days were you are like: "Golly, I look so adorable today!"? Or do you have the days where it's a wonder people look at you in the face at all? Well, it is one of the "I can't believe I have friends with the way I dress and look" kind of days for me. It's a wonder guys ever even look at me as more than a friend because I never wear make-up, dress cute, or do anything that typical girls do to get attention from guys. I'm not even looking for guys' attention. Really, I'm not.

That brings me to my next though... Everyone seems to be pairing up. What's up with that? For some reason it seems that by the time the snow stops and spring is around the corner couples start popping up all over the place. A few of my friends have crushes on others and do not plan on telling their crush about it until summer which is very wise and I appreciate them keeping the group drama free for awhile longer. But more of my friends are in budding relationships and I had no idea when they began because they just sprout up over night and I get sooooooooo confused. What is it about spring? This situation is not good for my cynicism at all. It is coming back in full swing like cancer eating away at my life. That may have seemed dramatic, but it doesn't even fully describe the craziness going on in my head and heart right now.

Daily Thanksgiving: I am thankful that two of my tests are done. I had a great day, weird, but good. I got to spend a lot of time with my friends and even though my friends did not win the contest, we still had a lot of group bonding over preparation for the competition. Most of all, I am glad this day is done and the L-rd has preserved me for another day. He keeps me safe and steady in the palm of His hand.

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