
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New CNA on the Block

I have recently started a new job as a CNA. My first CNA job in fact. There are so many things that they do not tell you in schooling for this position! Boards do not test the way real life requires you to complete skills, for one. I was also not told about the old "wives' tale" about the full moon making people nuts until a lady at my congregation informed me. That is truly a gem of information and NOT a wives' tale. Seriously guys, pay attention to the moon cycle and mentally gear up ahead of time to save you from utter panic once it finally hits.

On that note, let me tell you about my work day recently. Keep in mind, I am completely green as a nurse aide. I feel so bad for the others that have to work with me because I am trying but seem to be failing miserably. Anyway, so all the residents were trying to escape the last time I was at work. Fortunately, we have door alarms on every door leading out of the units because it is an elderly care facility. So one lady was trying to get out, I successfully brought her back to the common area and shut off the alarm... or so I thought. A few hours later, I was helping change a lady and the lady I was working with noticed a lady wheeling past the window! Oh golly, I suck at this job. So I go out, bring her back in (the courtyard she got into is completely fenced in, but still!) and tell the nurse. I am so blessed to have such gracious CNAs and nurses working with me. Still, it just seems like I fail miserably every day I go in for work.

Anyone else have any horror stories about their first days as a CNA or nurse? Any hilarious stories or advice for a very new girl?

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