
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Do any of you ever get complacent? In your job, at home, with your friends, with G-d? (I put a dash in G-d, btw, out of reverence for His name. This is a show of honor, not disrespectful or anything.)

Well, I do. It seems I go through seasons where I can be really into everything. Colors are brighter, I laugh and am happy all the time and G-d seems to be right here because I am drawing closer to Him. Lately, I have hit a rut. Oh, how I dislike being in ruts. Maybe it is just because school is starting again and I just started a new job? I don't know, but it is quite an uncomfortable place to be, ironically enough. I do not like being complacent because it means I am not growing. It means I just show up somewhere, at the time I should be there and go through the motions. I like when I am learning and growing and experiencing different things about life. Often times, this means being highly uncomfortable, but in a very different way. I love to learn, and experience life the way G-d wanted us to.

In all honesty, I know this complacent season is my fault. I have put G-d on a back burner when He deserves the whole stove, my whole life. Yet He has grace, and has made me aware of the problem so that I can fix it. I love His grace! I still kinda feel bad though because He is so incredible, and I am nothing. Who am I to put Him into a corner or on a back burner? Still, He gives me peace even if I want to feel bad for not acknowledging Him the way I ought to. His mercy and grace abounds, covering all of our sins and bringing Shalom (peace, relational wholeness; look up all meaning of Shalom, it may blow your mind there are so many meanings).

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