
Tuesday, August 6, 2013


So, I applied for a work-study job because I was awarded a work-study scholarship. I don't really need the job because I was just going to take out loans so that I would not be over stretched. I don't even know why I applied. I don't know why I interviewed. I really don't know why I accepted...

It will only be 10-15 hours a week. Probably usually at night and Thursday I have the whole day off, so maybe I can fit a big shift in on Thursday. Was this a huge mistake though? I will still be working my other job. I was going to work doubles on Sundays, but I think I am going to go down to working nights because that way the work is easier and I have a few hours to study while I'm still getting paid. It seems to be slightly less stress for me than the mornings are. Plus, I think better in the morning so I can study and do homework in the morning and then continue to study once everyone is in bed at night.

Am I nuts for doing this? I wish my brother would have gotten the position. It's an IT job. I am decent at technology, but technology hates me. It's a "joke" with my friends and I, but I'm pretty sure all technology is out to get me... I guess I can try it for a semester and then let it go or continue it next semester. We'll see. I'm excited to have a job that does not include wiping butts. I'm also really glad that they chose me because I thought I did terribly in the interview! Plus, the last 3-4 interviews I went on, I didn't get the job or I got the job and then they took it back (that was super downer because it was a hospital job).

School is going well this week. We were so early today that the professor dismissed us almost 4 hours early! I don't know how we went so fast because it seemed like a million people asked questions. Now, I am all for learning and better understanding, but some questions can be written down and asked after class. This is especially the case when they involve a 15 minute story about your great-great-grandpa's nieces, best friend's health condition in order to get to the question that has nothing to do with the story, nor does it have anything to do with our current subject.

I love people, I really do... sometimes.

Daily Thanksgiving: I'm half way done with the semester's work and we got out super early today. I didn't fall asleep in class (though I was nodding off for about an hour and a half during lecture).  I got a job that I'm pretty excited about and I don't have to work with people very much because I'm just an IT person, not customer service! Plus, I don't have to feed, dress, shower, or wipe poop during the whole shift when I work there. It's also on campus and they start off with a base pay of at least $9.21 or something (base pay for me as a CNA is $10, that's ridiculous!)

I'm still thinking about boys and craving a boyfriend for no reason. Why is it that I want to be attached to a guy when they usually end up driving me absolutely nuts? I'm insane for wanting this, especially now that I will have 2 jobs and nursing school to keep up with. I tried to not mention this, and technically I could still delete this, but it's eating me alive. I want a friend, a true friend. Why am I not able to rely on G-d to fill that void the way I used to be able to? A guy is not supposed to take G-d's role. I am getting so lonely. I need to find a church/congregation so that I can go worship and learn about G-d. I so miss getting "fed" at church. Time to man up and find a place. No more procrastinating! I need this loneliness to go away and it won't go away with the company of a boy and I probably won't find a boy with the minimal time I spend outside of class, school, and in my apartment (completely unattractive, might I add because I love staying in pajamas and I don't have cute clothing style anyway). I need G-d to be back in His rightful place first on that list again because life without Him is not working.

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