
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Need a Shrink?

Amongst all of the "fun" classes of nursing school, I have the mandatory privilege of taking health promotion. At first I didn't think I would like the class. Actually, I was convinced it was going to be worse that getting every single one of my teeth pulled without any anesthesia. Turns out that even classes that are supposed to put me to sleep can be made fun with the right teacher. Praise the L-rd I have the right teacher! She's adorable.

So, she decided to have our class hold our own health screening day. I was actually excited about this because I would get to choose the screening instead of finding local screenings and then signing up to possibly help with those. I LOVE screenings! I can't explain it, but it's a great deal of fun to talk to tons of people and do medical stuff because I feel smart and special.

We also got to choose our own group. If that doesn't tell you how great this teacher is, then I don't know what will convince you.

Anyway, our group decided to screen for anxiety. I have a feeling it was slightly because I have mentioned how anxious I get when sitting next to the same friends that were in my group. The other reason they chose that (I was not included in the decision making process because I went and got food or something) is likely because they found a super simple, short little survey online so we really didn't even have to do much.

Take the Anxiety Screening quiz here. (Just make sure to do it in another tab so that you can have your score and the results up while reading the rest of this post.)

Before the screening day at school, I did not take the test. By the time we did everything we needed to and we all cycled through the other stations at the event, my friends dared me to take it.

Guys, I got a 42. At that point they all laughed with/at me, I can't remember. Good news, however, I think they finally believe that I really am an anxious person. My score suggested that I seek help because I am most likely diagnosable with some sort of anxiety related issue, and very likely more than one such ailment. Super.

Now, I have to share the set-up of our screening tables because I thought it was pretty funny because they all pertain to me and my friends found out my results from these different things and I think they are slightly scared for me. They shouldn't be, not really anyway.

So, we were the first table. We were screening for anxiety. Next in line was a test for suicide risk and preventative measures. (Remember that I have unsuccessfully attempted suicide. Thus this blog was created and I am still breathing. Praise the L-rd!) Next in line was alcoholism (I'm not an alcoholic! That was the one that really had nothing to do with me.) Then was depression. Out of 5 classifications of screening results, I was borderline between the most severe and the next step down. My friends kinda flipped out about this one because they never suspected me to be depressed I guess. Then was risky behavior. I was in the "Superb" range because I don't EVER do anything that is more risky than walking because with me, even that can prove fatal or extremely dangerous. Finally, there was blood pressure screening. By the time I was through the rest of the stations, I was so stressed that my BP was about 20 points higher than I normally am. It was still within normal limits, but that's still a big jump for me.

That brings us to the title of today's post... I'm thinking of going to see a therapist. Maybe not a shrink, but someone that may be able to help me in this craziness.

What did y'all score? You don't have to share. If any of you guys scored similarly to me, private message me or comment on this post and we can help each other through. I typically want to hibernate when I'm depressed and anxious, but maybe it would be beneficial to discuss causes and symptoms?

Daily Thanksgiving: I am extremely grateful for G-d's grace despite my increasing foolishness and continued rebellion. School is going well and clinicals are super fun (so far)! I get to learn how to pass meds and... wait for it... I GET TO LEARN HOW TO GIVE SHOTS!!!!!!!! I don't know that I've ever been so excited for school as I am for this coming Fundamentals lab. Guys, I still can't even believe that He got me into nursing school and He allowed me to survive the first semester of nursing school. He is bringing me to the meat and potatoes.

Well, y'all have a good night/day. I'm fixin' to head to bed so it's sweet dreams for me!

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