My relationship was never Facebook Official. I wanted to spare us both the drama associated with the relationship change status updates that everyone and their mothers get at the announcement of the relationship beginning and end. Plus, I knew in my heart that I was going against G-d's plan and that we probably wouldn't stick together to marriage. However, Best Friend (now also ex-boyfriend) has taken to posting on social media about wounds not healing, time needed to sort through broken hearts, and a million other things leading everyone to believe he was crushed.
I feel like the biggest jerk in the world because I get to read this knowing I broke my best friend. So there's that.

Personally, I don't post much to social media because I'm not that interesting, I don't have witty comments, and people need to not be bothering themselves with my business. Yes, I am a huge hypocrite because I post everything on this blog that should be making it into my diary, if I had one. However, you people do not really know who I am or where I come from so this is almost like a diary. Also, this blog was supposed to be about nursing school and I was meaning to give you the scoop on things that I questioned that nobody seemed to write about. Now that I'm in nursing school, all the little tidbits I was curious about have escaped my mind and I don't know what it is that you may/may not need to know. Not to mention, nursing school is rough and I haven't gotten super close to people. Don't get me wrong, I have friends, but I am not really connecting to any of them very strongly. So, I come on here and pretend that y'all are my bestest friends in the whole world and I imagine that you want to hear ever little dumb thought that passes through my head. The good news for you is that you don't have to read it if you don't want to :) That's pretty much a win-win because I think I have a bunch of close pals and you don't have to listen/read if you don't want to!
I love all y'all, but hey, I need some more friends...
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