Oh man, I was so ridiculously excited for today's lab I don't think I've ever been so stoked to go to school. We all practiced so much that when we injected fluid into one part of the orange, another hole from a previous injection would start to squirt out! Now I just love needles even more. It's weird, I know because I've been told it's a strange obsession by several people over the course of my life (especially in this last week or so). But I can't help it. I'm find being poked and I'm getting comfortable poking other people. In fact, I donate platelets just to watch the needle go in my arm and
also to watch my blood be separated so I can see the platelets. You know, now that I think about it, that's probably what catches people off guard. Mostly because I tell them that story when explaining that I enjoy needles...
<- Platelets
We also practiced opening ampules. Those things are terrible and need to be discontinued from use! The bottle cut at least one person and that was just from my clinical group of 6. Not to mention you have to remember to use a needle with a filter on it to draw up the meds (due to SHARDS OF GLASS in the medication itself due to breaking the glass bottle). Then you have to make sure to remember to use a different needle to actually administer the medication to the patient. Folks, these things seem so outdated and dangerous, why are they still being used? Seriously.
What makes anyone think breaking glass with your hands would be a good idea? Especially when the glass contains medications that may/may not be dangerous to bare skin? C'mon folks, let's use our brains here...

Hospital mindset:
So, that was my day. How was yours?
Daily Thanksgiving: G-d's grace is abounding and He doesn't get impatient with me regardless of how many times I mess up my life. He is currently teaching me long-term forgiveness and how to talk through tough life decision with Him before turning to those around me. Believe it or not, I'm actually learning how to do it! Talk to Him without talking to the people around me, that is. It's hard because I used to rely on Him for everything because I didn't trust anyone else, not even my parents. He taught me how to trust people a bit more and then I trusted them too much instead of continuing to rely on Him. Life is all about finding an equilibrium and following what G-d tells you to do. When you do, regardless of how hard it is in the moment, your life can only improve instead of stalling and beginning to reverse or go down a bad road. Praise the L-rd for instructing us because He loves us.
Verse of the week/month for me is Proverbs 3:11-12 "My son, don't despise Ad-nai's discipline or resent his reproof; for Ad-nai corrects those he loves like a father who delights in his son." (Complete Jewish Bible)
Completely agree with you about the ampules - there was a nurse on my unit who had to get stitches because of an ampule! I had PTSD from opening one ampule and it shattering into my thumb - and THAT was with using an alcohol swab to open it! Seriously they need to get rid of these things- make them plastic or something. Anything else but glass!
ReplyDeleteOh no! That sounds brutal. We were taught to use a needle cap or gauze pad but there's just no winning with those things.