
Monday, March 24, 2014

First Patient

If you have someone in your life who has, is going, or will go to nursing school, you have likely heard about care plans. These are the bane of nursing student's existence. It is essentially an 8-12 hour assignment with less than 24 hours to complete it. There is very little you can work on before getting your patient and it requires a lot of research on one particular person which means you have to be at the hospital for a very long time the night before your clinical rotation.

My first care plan was 18 pages. It took me about 12 hours to complete. I finished most of it at 1:30 a.m. the night before clinicals only to wake up at 4:30 that same day in order to be to clinicals on time. Furthermore, just the med list took me 3.5 HOURS!!! There were close to 30 meds and I had half of them on the pre-made med list given to me by an upperclassman. These things SUCK.

By the time I got to clinicals the next morning, my patient had already been discharged...

I got a new patient (that I absolutely adore). This patient had 1, count 'em... 1 drug. That was insulin.

Dude, seriously?!

Whatever. It was great experience, clinicals were amazing. I had a fantastic nurse again and G-d continues to watch out for me and bless me in the most unexpected ways. He teaches me so much all the time and protects me in the greatest ways.

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