There was once a girl who was a little lonely and hoping for a boy to come along that she could marry, but she was independent and mostly happy alone.
One day, she decided to go to a dance out in the country with her roommate, roommate's family, and some of her own family as well.
She hadn't danced with anyone all night until a boy came up and asked her. He asked for her number and they eventually began dating.
Her family liked him and his family liked her. This was her first boyfriend but he had had several past relationships. She was worried about his vast level of experience, but stayed with him because he seemed sweet. Two months into the relationship, something wasn't right.
They were hanging out one weekend and he took it too far. She repeatedly told him no and to stop, but he did not.
She broke up with him.
She was so ashamed but G-d told her that what she experienced was not her fault, she did what was legally required and he should have stopped.
She went to the ER for a sane exam a few days later. The nurses were very sweet and she found support and reassurance.
They told her it was not her fault. She learned she is not pregnant and she was fully examined to ensure no physical trauma was present.
Though she must now deal with this brokeness for the rest of her life and she will now have to explain it to her future husband, she has faith the L-rd redeems and brings beauty from the ashes. She's not okay, but she will be okay again one day.