
Monday, May 13, 2013

Finals Day #1

Today is my first day of finals. I take 2 of 3 today and I'm kinda freakin' out. I only have chemistry and psych, but I need an A on this chemistry test in order to hope for an actual A in chemistry instead of a A- or a B+... Those pesky "-" signs really bring down your GPA! I was surprised how much weight that little guy has last semester. Now, I'm looking at getting a B in Anatomy which will lower it even more.

Kids, this is what happens when you don't focus and slack off in anatomy your first year of college. Don't do what I did. Have fun, but focus on school, especially you nursing students out there. If you do that, you will be fine and have a good time anyways because you won't be so stressed about getting your grades back up from being in a pit.

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