
Monday, May 6, 2013

Drudgery of Studying

In my ambitious quest to stop my problem with procrastinating, I have somehow managed to still fall behind. Now I have 7 pages of my paper due tomorrow (I've written about 3/4 of a page...) and I have my last anatomy lab test tomorrow but I am not nearly ready to take it! Besides that I'm having to balance my social life with my school work and I am getting really frustrated because no one else seems to care that I need to focus on school alone. Does it seem to happen that everyone wants to talk to you, or visit you, or need something from you as soon as you get into your zone of studying? I almost wish I didn't have a cell phone, computer, or a social life because managing all of these things plus school is making me slightly angry. I know, I could just shut it all off, but what if my mom calls me and needs something? My phone is my only means of communication besides the computer. I guess that means I'm cutting out all my friends. I do better being a loner anyway, that way I don't have to check in, orchestrate meals or events, and I don't have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings because it's just me, myself, and I. Yep, that's what I have to do, I have to go back to being a loner.

Daily Thanksgiving: I made it through my last Monday of legitimate classes of my college Freshman career! I have friends, which may be slightly inconvenient for oddballs like me, but I suppose it's good so that I don't end up talking to myself under a bridge somewhere (more on that story later). I got to the library and got a group study room for myself so that I could draw stuff for the test I have tomorrow and I am beginning to understand some of the material. 3 more days of learning related material then just three finals. Next year, I have a much easier course load even though they will be more challenging. I am very thankful that G-d allowed someone to make dry erase markers, they are so nifty and helpful for anatomy! If you take anatomy, buy yourself some dry erase markers and find yourself a whiteboard, then go nuts with drawings and color-coding and graphs, etc. Then, take pictures of them, make those pictures into a power point and you have yourself a fantastic study guide because you had to figure out how to simplify it to draw it and you learn all the ins and outs of the thing you draw! Also, my depression and anxiety have not been so bad the past few days even though I am very stressed out. G-d got me through the day. He is my Rock and my Abba (Father), I don't really trust anyone but Him because He has never let me down and He has shown me His mercies today (for the millionth time, but for some reason I always forget the amazing things He does).

Okay, so for that story about me living under a bridge... During lab last week, my lab partner and I were more unfocused than normal and so we made up a story with my other friend about us quitting school and living under a bridge in Florida because we have decided school is silly and too stressful to become nurses. We are all in the nursing program by the way (technically pre-nursing until I take the HESI and hopefully get accepted into clinicals, L-rd willing!). So, we are quitting nursing school, hitch-hiking to Florida and finding a bridge to live under. There, we will scrounge for food and, in case of a hurricane, hitch-hike back to a land-locked state until the hurricane ceases. Anybody in?

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