
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Knowing vs. Believing

You can totally know something without believing it.

You are made in G-d's image which makes you beautiful, interesting, intricate, and absolutely amazing. This should be common knowledge, but somehow we all lose sight of it. Not only do we forget, but we don't believe it as our reflections stare back at us in the mirror.

We are created as intelligent beings. Somehow we get so caught up in comparing ourselves with those around us, we stop believing that we were made smart, intelligent, and capable of thought. I don't care what disease doctors diagnose you or someone you know with, G-d has given all of us the ability of thought and intelligence.

We are here for a reason. G-d has made us all for a purpose. I don't know mine, but we should be living as though we have a purpose, because we do. We need to be asking G-d what we are supposed to be doing instead of floating through life with no direction. Yes, sometimes life may not be clear and we are supposed to go through uncertain times, it builds faith or something. However, we should be on our knees asking the L-rd what He wants us to be doing.

So, I am here to tell you that you are beautiful, smart, intelligent, interesting, intricate, and you have purpose. We are created in G-d's image, with abilities to carry out thought processes, and all for a reason. You are a daughter or son of THE King.

Instead of listening to the lies that the Enemy tells you, remember these simple truths. As lies begin to pop into your head, speak life over yourself instead of accepting defeat. Eventually, we will be able to go from simply knowing these simple truths to firmly believing them. As our beliefs about who we are and what we are here for, we can begin to fight back against the Adversary. So believe it, you are unique and very important. The Creator of the Universe loves you and cherishes you.

Also, please do me a favor. Begin complimenting the people around you. Constantly be looking for things you like that other people are wearing, doing, or anything around you that you like. Then, this is super important, tell the people! Telling someone that you like their hair, makeup, clothes, note taking, studying tips, ability to explain difficult material, teaching, or work habits (you get it), will help you to make their day. When they get happy with you because of that, you suddenly have new friends and they have a new friend! Plus, you are speaking Life over them. You are helping them to realize that they are beautiful, intelligent, and they have purpose.

Additional challenge: If you are someone who is used to gossiping about others, I challenge you to think of 5 nice things to say about them BEFORE you say anything about them. Then, say those things about them to others. In order for this to work, you have to make sure that the nice things are truly nice with no trace of gossip or negativity. No backhanded compliments (i.e. He's not as good-looking as his brother, bless his heart; or She's pretty but she's not smart enough for that. You catch my drift?). Also, make sure that they are true and you believe them. Saying, "Oh I like your shirt" but you don't actually believe it isn't going to do any good because 1)you're lying, 2) people can tell. This is hard to start doing, but after just a few days, you will be an expert and you will have made a bunch of people's days. Just try it! :)

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