
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Crazy Weekend

First of all, Shabbat Shalom!

I'm shaking up this arrangement from the normal way I write my posts because I have so much to say, so there is a list highlighting what I am talking about and explanations. This is so you don't have to read the whole thing, if you don't want, because I write a lot!

Daily Thanksgivings:
1) I completed the full set of stairs (a ridiculous hike)
2) met an OB/GYN who is going to let me shadow her!
3) have a job 
4) made new friends and got to do some "team" bonding
5) my friends and I played hide-and-seek
6) I got to teach my friend how to drive my stick-shift

As a suddenly ambitious and newly social person, I decided to go on a hike today. Mind you, this was not a typical strolling through the woods type of hike. This was nearly a million steps, going up the side of a mountain which is about a mile up. I went in a group of about 7 (including me) and I was the last one up, but I made it! Also, it took me two hours and my friends had to wait at the top for a long time... the one person that made it up the fastest waited an hour for me. But he is a beast! Two of my girlfriends were with him and I have no clue how they managed that. But some people make it up in under 20 minutes! How on earth can anyone do that?! Anyway, I had some awesome guys that stayed behind and waited while I moved at a glacial pace. One guy is a really close friend and the other one was an acquaintance, but this whole ordeal was an excellent team bonding experience. If anyone has a chance to climb a million and three stares, do it. I'm super out of shape and almost turned around half way up the hike, but I had great friends and the good kind of peer pressure to reach the top of this ridiculous flight of stairs.

Now, on Friday, I went to a networking banquet at school for people who are pre-health (pre-med, pre-vet, pre-physical therapy, pre-dentistry, etc.). You probably know that I am a nursing student, and that wasn't technically allowed... but my friend asked me to go with her so we fudged and said I was interested in  pre-physicians assistant, seeing as they don't have any category for nursing or Midwifery. Anyway, there were only 1-2 doctors out of the 18 or so guests who are professionals in one of the medical fields mentioned above. One of the doctors was an OB/GYN. She was so nice! She started as a CNA, then got her BSN (RN), then went to med school and is now a doctor. I am so beyond stoked, after talking to her, to become a midwife you have no idea. Some doctors aren't even super cool with midwifes, but she was excited I was going down that road. Even though there were 3-4 other girls talking to her with me, she kept turning the conversation back to me. Guys, she even said she would let me watch a live, vaginal birth and even a c-section!!! I'm not even in clinicals yet and she is going to let me shadow her and watch these things. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am and how happy I am that I snuck into that banquet. G-d is totally putting people in my path and He is encouraging me in the most surprising and excellent ways.

Tomorrow, I go back to work for the first time in 2 weekends and three weeks. I am super nervous and scared, but I'm praying that it goes well. At least I don't have to wear a mask tomorrow! That's a plus.

For those of you who are in college or have gone to college, you probably know that college students act like little kids again. We (some of us, me included) play outside on almost a daily basis, play silly pool games and we do all sorts of other things that we had probably not done since the second grade. Regardless, we have a blast! Hide-and-seek was so much fun last night, then we played pickle (aka sardines) which is like the opposite of hide-and-seek. But it was a blast playing on campus! We are supposed to be adults but hat is definitely not how we act sometimes. One friend even hid so well that we were all looking for him for nearly an hour. That's crazy! Thankfully we had phones so we were texting him the whole time, but goodness!

After the crazy hike today, I also taught my friend how to drive my stick-shift car. He did so amazingly well. He didn't stall at all except for one time when he was trying to start out in 1st gear on a hill, which is really hard to do when you first start out. I am so proud of him, he did such a great job!!!

So, that was my weekend... How was yours?

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