
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good News

Y'all, I have some good news... I got an 86% on my chem test and I did not fail it! Bad news is I will probably only be able to pass the class with a B and not an A, but I didn't fail my test and I will, L-rd willing, pass this class.

I am so ready to be done with school, it's exhausting being stressed out all the time! On the bright side, I was so frustrated with school, life, and my poor life-decisions that I decided to go to the gym. That lead to an hour and a half on the treadmill. Now, I still only walk, I didn't run today or do the elliptical, but I'm getting better every time I go to the gym. I just have to tackle the elliptical and then the stair stepper, then I should be on track to continue working out.

Tomorrow I get to go home to celebrate my parents 19th wedding anniversary. They got married a few weeks after I was born which is why their anniversary is so close to my birthday and also why there is a similarity in the numbers... But they have stayed together for a long time, especially for people who hardly knew each other when they got married. That's the funny thing about life though, you never really know anyone, plus they are always changing anyway so you will never fully know anyone.

Guys, did you watch Duck Dynasty? Tonight's season finale was hilarious! I love that show so much! These guys remind me of my dad's friends, and the parties they used to throw, and me hanging out with their sons, getting into mischief. I was just another one of the guys, but a girl... We had a blast though. Anyway, watch the show and laugh a lot because it releases endorphins or something and cuts down on stress hormones. I feel better from my tough week. Only a little better, but it's better all the same.

Daily Thanksgiving: I got a B on my chem test so I didn't fail it. I got to watch Duck Dynasty. My tests are over, until finals week. I got a few opportunities to house sit this summer, down close the the community college I'm going to for micro so I can save on rent. I made my back-up schedule for next fall. G-d is allowing me to get good grades. While they may not be the A's I'm hoping for, He is still providing for me to get good grades even though I have not been studying like I should have been. I am very thankful to be a child of the One True G-d and He provides for me in ways I could not even imagine.

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