
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Minor Shock

I just ordered textbooks for the nursing program and it came out to over $1100! I almost had a heart attack and I'm still in shock. Why is this so expensive? It would be nice if all of the nursing students got together and one class of students bought all the books then they passed them down to incoming students for a small fee. When the books are deemed "outdated" by the school then the students who actually own them can sell them on amazon or something because there is always someone using those books. Let's beat the system people! I am going to find someone in the incoming class to use my book next year and I will charge them maybe $50 to use the whole lot of them and then they will give them back at the end of the year so I can find another person to use them the next year. I will do this all 3 years and make just a tiny bit of money but it will save so much money for the other people! Co-op folks! We're all being forced into this ridiculous system of buying overpriced books anyway so let's work with each other and find a way around their ridiculous prices.

Sorry I'm getting so worked up, I don't like spending so much money on anything let alone silly books that would have been cheaper if I didn't have to buy from the bookstore just so that I can use my student account instead of my credit card (which is pretty much maxed out all the time now). Plus I am frustrated with other life circumstances right now that I cannot talk about right now. I called my mom last night to talk with her, but she had to go. She promised to call back but she must have fallen asleep.

In happier news, I bought some new music when I finally got my paycheck and I love it! Addison Road is one of my favorite bands and I just got both of their albums on amazon. Definitely check them out. Stories, This Could Be Our Day, and so many other songs have been on repeat for the past few days. I found them on Pandora and I couldn't be happier with the purchase to finally have their music for myself.

Daily Thanksgiving: My coffee date went well yesterday and my friend brought to my attention some interesting things about my country boy's situation. She is so honest and doesn't beat around the bush. It's hard to hear sometimes, but she is good for me, I think. She brings a new perspective to my struggles and isn't afraid to hurt my feelings or offend me. I got to talk to my mom. I was pretty productive yesterday and still had time to relax and watch my shows. I get to volunteer tonight and I found out how to volunteer to go hold babies!!!

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