Today was my last day working my IT job for the summer and possibly forever. It is so surreal that I have finished my second year of college (well, one more final tomorrow) and I am finished with one school-year of working as an IT person. Not quite sure if it is good or bad yet, we shall see.
In light of it being my last day, I would like to tell y'all a funny story. Well, it's kinda funny... for me...
One of my friends that works IT with me asked me to a party this Friday. He was telling me how great it would be and it's all in his apartment complex. I said "no" just flat out. There was a smile on my face but I told him no. He and his friend continued on about how fun it would be and yada, yada, yada. Then he asked if I was single. He has a girlfriend so he wasn't asking for himself. Turns out he has a friend who is Messianic who was going to be at the party and my friend was absolutely convinced I needed to go so that I could possibly meet this fellow. I told them no because I am ridiculously awkward and I was planning on getting my tongue pierced so I would be unable to speak. Then they tried for 10 minutes trying to convince me that I am not awkward because I wear cowboy boots to school and they don't know anybody in cowboy boots that are awkward... Yikes, these boys just haven't spent enough time with me. That and they are both really charismatic which means they could have a conversation with a rock and the rock would talk back and none of the conversation would be awkward.
My mom laughed at that story for like 5 minutes...
Happy Finals Week everyone. Finish strong! I believe in you.
I have survived nursing school, my first year as a nurse, and several traumas. This is a blog chronicling my life, struggles, victories, blessings, and general happenings. My hope is that somehow, my stories can help others. Life is a bumpy ride, and worse for some. The great thing about life? It's 100% terminal and none of us get out of here alive.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
About a month ago I started thinking about what it would be like to have a nose ring. It's in the Bible that ladies back in the Old Testament had nose rings sometimes. So, I looked into it a bit more and Jewish law has nothing against piercings. Then a couple of weeks ago I brought it up with my friends that I was thinking about it. Now we are planning to go on Friday after our last final...
I am also currently considering a belly button ring and possibly even a tongue ring. However, the more I think about it, the more reasons I find to not do it. I wasn't even super serious when I brought it up, it was more for laughs and giggles. Now it's real. I looked into a few places that do piercings here in town, but they have good and bad reviews.
I really scared about getting an STD. How terrible would it be to be a virgin my entire life but then get an STD from a stinkin' piercing because somebody didn't use proper sterile procedures and then I wouldn't want to get married or have kids because I would probably pass on the disease! Or what if they do it wrong and it is crooked? What if it gets infected and then I scar really bad? What if right after I get it then I regret it but then I will have a scar on my face, my tongue, or my belly button for the rest of my life? I'm just a simple, church-going girl that nobody expects to get piercings and they would probably look really weird on me anyway.
I talk myself into the piercing every morning and talk myself right back out of them every afternoon.
Tongue rings cause teeth and gum damage. Plus, I would have to put a spacer in for work and clinicals. Belly button rings get ripped out and are easily infected due to their location. Nose rings are ON YOUR FACE and would also require a spacer while at work and clinicals.
Is it weird that my main concern is not the fact that someone would be poking a whole in my body with a giant needle? My main worry is it being off-centered, not where I want it, and getting an STD or infection.
Nursing school has ruined me. Now I know what true sterile procedure looks like and what happens when it is not followed. I can see the bacteria I grew and stained from my microbiology class. I can see all of the slides of pictures and all of the information given to me about STD's. Then I look at myself and think, "is this really you?" But I have wanted lots of piercings since I was a little kid, but now it's really real and I am not so certain anymore. What would the kids that I babysit think? What will my Mema think? What would my future boyfriend/husband think? What would my kids think?
I wonder why I want piercings. Is it just because I found a rebelious, angry side that I was not aware of before Country Boy died and Brother moved out? Do I think it will liberate me from... something that I'm not fully aware of?
Wow, my neurotic anxiety is kicking into high-gear, huh?
More thought is needed and more prayer. I prayed about it, but maybe G-d is staying quiet to see what I will do again. Last time He did this I wasn't supposed to do what I was praying about (going out with Best Friend). Maybe I should swallow my pride and back out of getting piercings with my friends. If I do, it won't cause any more grief because I won't change from how I already am. But if I do go, then I will have at least 2-3 more holes in my body, plenty of pain and swelling, and I will have puncture wound scars if I decide to ever take them out. Looks like I talked myself out of them... Thanks for helping me guys!

I talk myself into the piercing every morning and talk myself right back out of them every afternoon.
Tongue rings cause teeth and gum damage. Plus, I would have to put a spacer in for work and clinicals. Belly button rings get ripped out and are easily infected due to their location. Nose rings are ON YOUR FACE and would also require a spacer while at work and clinicals.
Is it weird that my main concern is not the fact that someone would be poking a whole in my body with a giant needle? My main worry is it being off-centered, not where I want it, and getting an STD or infection.
Nursing school has ruined me. Now I know what true sterile procedure looks like and what happens when it is not followed. I can see the bacteria I grew and stained from my microbiology class. I can see all of the slides of pictures and all of the information given to me about STD's. Then I look at myself and think, "is this really you?" But I have wanted lots of piercings since I was a little kid, but now it's really real and I am not so certain anymore. What would the kids that I babysit think? What will my Mema think? What would my future boyfriend/husband think? What would my kids think?
I wonder why I want piercings. Is it just because I found a rebelious, angry side that I was not aware of before Country Boy died and Brother moved out? Do I think it will liberate me from... something that I'm not fully aware of?
Wow, my neurotic anxiety is kicking into high-gear, huh?
More thought is needed and more prayer. I prayed about it, but maybe G-d is staying quiet to see what I will do again. Last time He did this I wasn't supposed to do what I was praying about (going out with Best Friend). Maybe I should swallow my pride and back out of getting piercings with my friends. If I do, it won't cause any more grief because I won't change from how I already am. But if I do go, then I will have at least 2-3 more holes in my body, plenty of pain and swelling, and I will have puncture wound scars if I decide to ever take them out. Looks like I talked myself out of them... Thanks for helping me guys!
bad idea,
best friend,
college student,
country boy,
foolish girl,
independent lady,
informed decision,
neurotic anxiety,
nursing school,
It's swimsuit season, right?
I have a lot of insecurities. It is an unfortunate part of being alive because no matter where you live, there is always going to be some ideal that you want to obtain but it is often out of reach. With swimsuit season upon us I'm feeling it. You can hide most all winter and then BAM! Out of nowhere everyone starts wearing shorts and little tops and they are getting ready to be wearing the equivalent of socially acceptable skivvies in public areas while renaming them bathing suits.
With summer's approach, I am not immune to the push to get "thin" and swimsuit ready. It happens almost every year. Praise the L-rd that I have been on the chubbier side for most of my life and He has taught me how to deal with it which is mostly protecting my modesty. Maybe that's why He allowed me to remain as I am instead of letting the eating disorders last so that I would actually be thin now. Instead, I jiggle and shake and have plenty of cellulite to make sure that I have enough insulation come winter months. Still, I have started multiple work-out routines and gone on several diets to get to this point. This point is the point of wanting to be healthy and trying to "fake it until I make it" in regards to confidence.
Though my body has not lost the jiggle and muffin top, I am becoming comfortable in my own skin. I am discovering what I like and what I don't. I am learning to stand up for myself and realizing that I am super awkward, but most people just think it's funny so they stick around and call me their friend.
Today I watched a Ted Talk video from a makeup artist (view here.) She noticed that many women apologize for how they look, or their skin, or any number of things that make them unique and that they find less-than-perfect but most other people find beautiful or don't even notice. It got me to thinking... What would I do? Would I climb in the chair and apologize for the way I am? How I was created? What my body looks like? etc.
Several hours later, I found myself staring at myself in the mirror. This is highly unusual because I HATE mirrors and reflections. I despise pictures and avoid anything that requires me to see me at all costs. Memories flooded my mind, almost like the voice of my Creator, reminding me how I'm beautiful in just the physical ways. You want to know what I heard?
I heard multiple friends commenting on my hazel, almond shaped eyes outlined in ridiculously long, jet black eyelashes that don't require mascara. I was reminded of a random customer commenting on how beautiful she though my hands were/are. Best friend calling me beautiful in my red and white polka-dot dress. My dad staring at me and calling me beautiful in my prom dress and even before that when I put on loads and loads of blue eye shadow that I received for free from walking through the mall when I was 4 or 5. My teacher commenting on my dimples that are only seen when I have a big ole smile on my face in the third grade. My friends telling me I have such a cute bottom in Silver jeans, the first time I tried them on. One of my old roommates, who is quite critical of everyone, saying I have a cute nose (this was big because a friend told me my nose was too big a number of years prior to this, fyi).
These are just a few of the things that people have told me. What do I like about my own body?
My hair is thick, a beautiful brown with natural highlights, slightly wavy and getting curlier, and I can do just about anything with it. I like my eyes, especially when I smile. They are dark and change colors (appear to), and you can tell if I'm mad or happy just by glancing at my eyes. My dimples are pretty stinkin' adorable and they have gotten deeper since I got older, which I like because it makes me feel more distinguished and reminds me that I smile a lot. My nose is pretty adorable. I love that I don't have to wear mascara because of my long, really dark eyelashes. I am the spittin' image of my Mema who is legitimately classically beautiful. I have an hour-glass shape and an excellent waist to hip ratio despite having a muffin top (easily hidden with higher rise pants). I have what I call "cute freckles." One resides on my upper left lip (almost like Marilyn Monroe but more on my lip) and the other on my right chin just under the right corner of my mouth. I also have many more cute freckles/moles all over my body including a freckle right next to my belly button that showed up just a couple of years ago. Also, when I have been in the sun a lot, so many freckles show up on my face (that are not at all visible otherwise) and it almost looks like dirt was smeared across my nose because they get so dark! My feet are very small even though I am very tall and all legs. My legs look great in a pair of dark jeans with my cowboy boots. I have scars everywhere, but I know the story behind most/all of them. These scars mean something to me. Disclaimer: I don't condone scarring yourself just to have them though!
What do people tell you they like about you? What do you like about you? I would love to hear what it is that you love about your appearance. Please comment below with your favorite physical attributes as you are right now.
With summer's approach, I am not immune to the push to get "thin" and swimsuit ready. It happens almost every year. Praise the L-rd that I have been on the chubbier side for most of my life and He has taught me how to deal with it which is mostly protecting my modesty. Maybe that's why He allowed me to remain as I am instead of letting the eating disorders last so that I would actually be thin now. Instead, I jiggle and shake and have plenty of cellulite to make sure that I have enough insulation come winter months. Still, I have started multiple work-out routines and gone on several diets to get to this point. This point is the point of wanting to be healthy and trying to "fake it until I make it" in regards to confidence.
Though my body has not lost the jiggle and muffin top, I am becoming comfortable in my own skin. I am discovering what I like and what I don't. I am learning to stand up for myself and realizing that I am super awkward, but most people just think it's funny so they stick around and call me their friend.
Today I watched a Ted Talk video from a makeup artist (view here.) She noticed that many women apologize for how they look, or their skin, or any number of things that make them unique and that they find less-than-perfect but most other people find beautiful or don't even notice. It got me to thinking... What would I do? Would I climb in the chair and apologize for the way I am? How I was created? What my body looks like? etc.
Several hours later, I found myself staring at myself in the mirror. This is highly unusual because I HATE mirrors and reflections. I despise pictures and avoid anything that requires me to see me at all costs. Memories flooded my mind, almost like the voice of my Creator, reminding me how I'm beautiful in just the physical ways. You want to know what I heard?
I heard multiple friends commenting on my hazel, almond shaped eyes outlined in ridiculously long, jet black eyelashes that don't require mascara. I was reminded of a random customer commenting on how beautiful she though my hands were/are. Best friend calling me beautiful in my red and white polka-dot dress. My dad staring at me and calling me beautiful in my prom dress and even before that when I put on loads and loads of blue eye shadow that I received for free from walking through the mall when I was 4 or 5. My teacher commenting on my dimples that are only seen when I have a big ole smile on my face in the third grade. My friends telling me I have such a cute bottom in Silver jeans, the first time I tried them on. One of my old roommates, who is quite critical of everyone, saying I have a cute nose (this was big because a friend told me my nose was too big a number of years prior to this, fyi).
These are just a few of the things that people have told me. What do I like about my own body?
My hair is thick, a beautiful brown with natural highlights, slightly wavy and getting curlier, and I can do just about anything with it. I like my eyes, especially when I smile. They are dark and change colors (appear to), and you can tell if I'm mad or happy just by glancing at my eyes. My dimples are pretty stinkin' adorable and they have gotten deeper since I got older, which I like because it makes me feel more distinguished and reminds me that I smile a lot. My nose is pretty adorable. I love that I don't have to wear mascara because of my long, really dark eyelashes. I am the spittin' image of my Mema who is legitimately classically beautiful. I have an hour-glass shape and an excellent waist to hip ratio despite having a muffin top (easily hidden with higher rise pants). I have what I call "cute freckles." One resides on my upper left lip (almost like Marilyn Monroe but more on my lip) and the other on my right chin just under the right corner of my mouth. I also have many more cute freckles/moles all over my body including a freckle right next to my belly button that showed up just a couple of years ago. Also, when I have been in the sun a lot, so many freckles show up on my face (that are not at all visible otherwise) and it almost looks like dirt was smeared across my nose because they get so dark! My feet are very small even though I am very tall and all legs. My legs look great in a pair of dark jeans with my cowboy boots. I have scars everywhere, but I know the story behind most/all of them. These scars mean something to me. Disclaimer: I don't condone scarring yourself just to have them though!
What do people tell you they like about you? What do you like about you? I would love to hear what it is that you love about your appearance. Please comment below with your favorite physical attributes as you are right now.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Heavy Heart and An Empty Room
Brother moved out yesterday after we got in a huge fight. I knew he was moving out, thus the reason for me packing the night before, but he came back yesterday to begin collecting all of his things and we just had it out. The yelling match only lasted for about 15 minutes until he concluded that he, "just couldn't handle this anymore." He proceeded to slam the door in my face and take a shower. At that point I hopped in my car and drove the hour and a half back to Home-base. I waited for my mom to get home from shul and we just talked for about 6 hours. Praise the L-rd that I live so close to home but not close enough to be there every night.
Guys, I cried that entire car ride. Let me tell you, when you are angry and bawling, it's really hard to see how fast you're going. Thankfully G-d was watching out for me and didn't let me get a ticket but I was going about 90 mph at one point in a 65-75 mph zone.
It feels like I lost my brother though. That is what hurts the most. When we were little kids, we fought, but it was just little things. You know, my brother would poke me so I would scream at him. He would like a girl so I would tease him until he punched me... Normal sibling stuff. Now, it takes nothing for us to be in a room and go from laughing to yelling. Just the most random little things set either of us off. He got really aggressive ever since his testosterone hit full gear and his voice dropped. I was informed by my mom that a few years ago I started to get weepy and I was able to be set off a lot easier. I'm thinking that's when all of my estrogen's decided to take over. Stupid hormones. I am praying that this is only a phase and that we can be pals again like we used to but right now I'm not seeing the light.
Tonight, my brother's room is completely empty and my heart is following with emptiness and this deep deep longing for him to come back. I fear for his safety living with boys who are drinking and partying almost every night. They skip class and think it's funny to fail classes. Some of them are sleeping around with random girls and doing "recreational" drugs. Depending on who you ask, cocaine could be a "recreational drug." I don't even know where he lives because I don't want to go meet his roommates and he doesn't even really want me to know where he lives.
Why does it feel like my life is falling apart? This blog was supposed to be about the funny things that happen or good-to-know tips about nursing school and college life. Instead, I just come here to complain and pour out my heart.
Guys, I cried that entire car ride. Let me tell you, when you are angry and bawling, it's really hard to see how fast you're going. Thankfully G-d was watching out for me and didn't let me get a ticket but I was going about 90 mph at one point in a 65-75 mph zone.
It feels like I lost my brother though. That is what hurts the most. When we were little kids, we fought, but it was just little things. You know, my brother would poke me so I would scream at him. He would like a girl so I would tease him until he punched me... Normal sibling stuff. Now, it takes nothing for us to be in a room and go from laughing to yelling. Just the most random little things set either of us off. He got really aggressive ever since his testosterone hit full gear and his voice dropped. I was informed by my mom that a few years ago I started to get weepy and I was able to be set off a lot easier. I'm thinking that's when all of my estrogen's decided to take over. Stupid hormones. I am praying that this is only a phase and that we can be pals again like we used to but right now I'm not seeing the light.
Tonight, my brother's room is completely empty and my heart is following with emptiness and this deep deep longing for him to come back. I fear for his safety living with boys who are drinking and partying almost every night. They skip class and think it's funny to fail classes. Some of them are sleeping around with random girls and doing "recreational" drugs. Depending on who you ask, cocaine could be a "recreational drug." I don't even know where he lives because I don't want to go meet his roommates and he doesn't even really want me to know where he lives.
Why does it feel like my life is falling apart? This blog was supposed to be about the funny things that happen or good-to-know tips about nursing school and college life. Instead, I just come here to complain and pour out my heart.
Friday, May 9, 2014
I've been laughing all afternoon...
My brother is moving out tomorrow... well, he moves out officially tomorrow, he's already staying there tonight. Not really a huge deal, he warned me a number of months ago. He is breaking our agreement for the lease but that's another story.
So, he brought a buddy over to help him load his mattress today. We sat around talking for a little bit, loaded the mattress, not a big deal. At the end of their visit, our conversation stumbles across a path I did not know existed. My brother mentioned that he was moving out because I kicked him out. I did not recall ever doing such a thing which made him really defensive. "You kicked me out!" I asked him what I said and when. He was unable to answer that question and just kept replying that I kicked him out. He didn't say how or when or anything else besides he is moving out because I forced him to leave. I am thinking that he told that story to all of his friends and got mad because I called him out on it in front of another friend. They both proceeded to leave and left me all alone.
I was super mad. Like, super beyond angry. I don't know that I've ever been so mad at him or at a certain set of circumstances. So, I decided to be "productive." I pulled a Miranda Lambert (reference "Baggage Claim" and "Gunpowder and Lead" and really many of her songs to get an idea of what I was acting like). I started packing all of his stuff. Sure, he'll probably be mad and shocked tomorrow but hey, you want to tell people I'm kicking you out? Then fine! I will make sure that your belongings are ready to go first thing in the morning and you can leave me behind in a cloud of dust to figure out this mess you have now left me in. Now I have to find a roommate and pay YOUR rent that you agreed to pay when I signed the lease (because you were a minor at the time) but are now skipping out on. He said he would help with his part of the rent until the lease is up but I don't see that happening.
Needless to say, I went a little nuts. However, I finally understand why women (people) throw all of the boyfriend's/husband's things on the front lawn when they do something soooooooo stupid that it warrants them getting kicked out of their own house. I came pretty close to that myself but G-d didn't let me remember that people do that while I still had the energy to do anything. So, it's all just piled up in the living room.
I didn't even need a gun because sometimes that isn't as effective as going insane on someone and letting them sort through their own feelings. Just don't do us wrong though because we love with all that we are but when you cross us... Boy howdy you better be getting ready for WAR. I love him but this just took it too far. I feel like I have turned 73 cheeks to him to keep getting slapped. I think I have forgiven him and helped him even when he has done me wrong (thought I probably haven't done it right). But I am not going to be a doormat that he can use as the butt of every joke with his friends. I won't take his rumors quietly.What's more is that he wants me to meet his friends. That was before he informed me that he has been spreading rumors so that I now seem like some terrible, awful, evil, mean sister. I ain't meeting his friends just so that they can have dinner conversation about how I seem compared with Brother's account of me. That just ain't gonna happen!
The struggles of college and siblings...
More on the roommate front later. Actually, I hope to inform y'all about it tomorrow.
college student,
life circumstances,
mentally unstable,
Miranda Lambert,
struggling human
Pregnant and Coping
Guys, I think I'm pregnant. I've been nauseous, moody, and all sorts of discombobulated for the past couple of months. Except it's physically impossible for me to be expecting because I know how babies are made and I didn't do that. I don't even hold hands with boys... So maybe I'm just stressed?
Next week is finals. I am coping by laying on the couch with my favorite blanket and watching children's movies (today's viewing is Croods). It's a wonder I am allowed to live on my own and take care of other people's loved ones seeing as I act like a 3-year-old any time I get stressed, sad, or otherwise not happy or at least normal.
In other news, I taught my pall how to drive stick today. Let's name her Pretty Princess. So, PP is one of the other girls in my nursing program and we met last year through Best Friend in the dorms. She is hilarious and stupid gorgeous. Like, I'm jealous that she is so charismatic, thin, gorgeous, and smart. But, hey, I'm blessed that I met her and that we found Big Red on the first day because we make quite the trio. BR was also with us as we were practicing starting and stopping in the parking lot outside of our nursing school. Oh man, it was so hilarious! All three of us yelling jokes and names at each other and just having a good time with it. I needed this so bad and it was awesome therapy.
I got a little carried away with pictures so enjoy this never-ending stream of pictures/memes I found on Google!
Next week is finals. I am coping by laying on the couch with my favorite blanket and watching children's movies (today's viewing is Croods). It's a wonder I am allowed to live on my own and take care of other people's loved ones seeing as I act like a 3-year-old any time I get stressed, sad, or otherwise not happy or at least normal.
In other news, I taught my pall how to drive stick today. Let's name her Pretty Princess. So, PP is one of the other girls in my nursing program and we met last year through Best Friend in the dorms. She is hilarious and stupid gorgeous. Like, I'm jealous that she is so charismatic, thin, gorgeous, and smart. But, hey, I'm blessed that I met her and that we found Big Red on the first day because we make quite the trio. BR was also with us as we were practicing starting and stopping in the parking lot outside of our nursing school. Oh man, it was so hilarious! All three of us yelling jokes and names at each other and just having a good time with it. I needed this so bad and it was awesome therapy.
I got a little carried away with pictures so enjoy this never-ending stream of pictures/memes I found on Google!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Loose Interpretations
I've been looking on Craigslist for potential roommates because that seemed like a good idea and I have noticed that people have different interpretations of just about everything.
"Huge room with view!" Translation: the bedroom is about 2 inches squared using a generous measuring system and it overlooks the neighbors window.
"Nice house with BRAND NEW appliances." Translation: nothing has been changed since the 1800's and the house could collapse on top of you while you're sleeping.
"Nice neighborhood." Translation: it's in a part of town that even cops refuse to visit.
No, it was not my idea to look for a roomie on CL. I know that it is all sorts of bad ideas because there is no real way to know them and there are murderers and other people waiting to do unsavory things to the poor people that fall into their traps. My friend talked me into it. Let's call her Big Red because she is the tiniest petite little lady I've ever met, but she has red hair. Anyway, that's what she and I did during class this week when my teacher decided to call on me TWICE during the class time. I had no idea what she was asking or what we were doing but I survived. I'm getting better at pretending that I know what I'm doing even though I hardly ever have a clue.
I turned in my letter stating I will be leaving my apartment when my lease is up. That's pretty scary because I have nowhere that I am planning to go, yet... Oh L-rd, I trust You and I REALLY need a place to live with good roommates that won't make life miserable and preferably a lot of space. It would be fantastic if they decided that they liked me and we could be buddies. That would be a miracle. I believe miracles happen and I desperately need several of them... simultaneously... pronto.
G-d doesn't move on our time frames. He's not our genie or Santa Clause or our servant. It's a good thing He isn't because life would be awful and the World would be a huge mess with everyone getting everything they ever wanted whenever they wanted it. Can you imagine? Yikes.
"Huge room with view!" Translation: the bedroom is about 2 inches squared using a generous measuring system and it overlooks the neighbors window.
"Nice house with BRAND NEW appliances." Translation: nothing has been changed since the 1800's and the house could collapse on top of you while you're sleeping.
"Nice neighborhood." Translation: it's in a part of town that even cops refuse to visit.
No, it was not my idea to look for a roomie on CL. I know that it is all sorts of bad ideas because there is no real way to know them and there are murderers and other people waiting to do unsavory things to the poor people that fall into their traps. My friend talked me into it. Let's call her Big Red because she is the tiniest petite little lady I've ever met, but she has red hair. Anyway, that's what she and I did during class this week when my teacher decided to call on me TWICE during the class time. I had no idea what she was asking or what we were doing but I survived. I'm getting better at pretending that I know what I'm doing even though I hardly ever have a clue.
I turned in my letter stating I will be leaving my apartment when my lease is up. That's pretty scary because I have nowhere that I am planning to go, yet... Oh L-rd, I trust You and I REALLY need a place to live with good roommates that won't make life miserable and preferably a lot of space. It would be fantastic if they decided that they liked me and we could be buddies. That would be a miracle. I believe miracles happen and I desperately need several of them... simultaneously... pronto.
G-d doesn't move on our time frames. He's not our genie or Santa Clause or our servant. It's a good thing He isn't because life would be awful and the World would be a huge mess with everyone getting everything they ever wanted whenever they wanted it. Can you imagine? Yikes.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Are you kidding me?
I was having a great day... then decided to see what my Bikini Body Mommy is for the day. Hahahahahahahahah seriously!?! It's copied below. I'm thinking that I will struggle to get through one rep and she wants me to do 3? I seriously bust out into hearty laughter once I read this. Awww man.
"On to DAY 2: Today’s Workout is a DOOZY!
"There are 8 exercises and we will do 3 sets of them!
Here they are:
1. Speed Squats – 20 reps, then 20 sec rest
2. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
3. Push ups – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
4. Burpees – 10 reps, then 10 sec rest
5. Alternating Lunges – 20 reps (10 per side), then 10 sec rest
6. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
7. Tricep Dips – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
8. Squat Jumps – 20 reps, then 2 MINUTE REST
REPEAT the above series for a total of 3 sets."
"On to DAY 2: Today’s Workout is a DOOZY!
"There are 8 exercises and we will do 3 sets of them!
Here they are:
1. Speed Squats – 20 reps, then 20 sec rest
2. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
3. Push ups – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
4. Burpees – 10 reps, then 10 sec rest
5. Alternating Lunges – 20 reps (10 per side), then 10 sec rest
6. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
7. Tricep Dips – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
8. Squat Jumps – 20 reps, then 2 MINUTE REST
REPEAT the above series for a total of 3 sets."
Millions of Applications
Guys, I got a new job!!! It has been a crazy day. Let's start the story with last Wednesday.
Last Wednesday I decided to check my CNA email after not having checked it for a couple of weeks and I haven't worked there in almost a month. Turns out I got an email asking me to come in for an interview. No big deal, because I have filled out an application for literally hundreds of CNA positions in the past year and a half in an attempt to get into the hospital. So I replied and got a spot for Monday (today).
I go in today, the interview is going well. Turns out that one of the interviewers started out as a CNA at a dementia care facility while she was attending nursing school, just like me! At the end of the interview she said that she couldn't think of any reason why I wouldn't get the job. "I mean, you pretty much have the job." What!?! I have never had an interview end with a job offer!
A couple of hours later HR contacted me and emailed me the new hire paperwork and that's it. That's the whole story. I got an interview and a new job all in one day. I never thought much of the request for an interview but oh man, I'm just floored. One of the interviewer (the lady that was a CNA with dementia pts) even gave me a hug at the end! Ya, it was amazing.
I will be a patient sitter in the floar pool between a couple of hospitals. This is a CNA job and they will also be training me to be a CNA on the floor too, just in case they need CNA's instead of just sitters. I will be able to go onto just about any floor besides peds, Mother/Baby, and NICU but that's okay. I will also be working nights which I'm slightly concerned about with school and my school scheduling... but maybe they will let me move to days soon.
The only thing that could make this day better would be to hear from my NICU interview and have them offer me a summer job in the NICU... Miracles happen daily for me and for everyone, you just have to be looking.
Praise the L-rd! He got me a job I didn't even expect and I am so excited for the many opportunities I will be given with this job and being able to go to almost every floor in the hospital.
Last Wednesday I decided to check my CNA email after not having checked it for a couple of weeks and I haven't worked there in almost a month. Turns out I got an email asking me to come in for an interview. No big deal, because I have filled out an application for literally hundreds of CNA positions in the past year and a half in an attempt to get into the hospital. So I replied and got a spot for Monday (today).
I go in today, the interview is going well. Turns out that one of the interviewers started out as a CNA at a dementia care facility while she was attending nursing school, just like me! At the end of the interview she said that she couldn't think of any reason why I wouldn't get the job. "I mean, you pretty much have the job." What!?! I have never had an interview end with a job offer!
A couple of hours later HR contacted me and emailed me the new hire paperwork and that's it. That's the whole story. I got an interview and a new job all in one day. I never thought much of the request for an interview but oh man, I'm just floored. One of the interviewer (the lady that was a CNA with dementia pts) even gave me a hug at the end! Ya, it was amazing.
I will be a patient sitter in the floar pool between a couple of hospitals. This is a CNA job and they will also be training me to be a CNA on the floor too, just in case they need CNA's instead of just sitters. I will be able to go onto just about any floor besides peds, Mother/Baby, and NICU but that's okay. I will also be working nights which I'm slightly concerned about with school and my school scheduling... but maybe they will let me move to days soon.
The only thing that could make this day better would be to hear from my NICU interview and have them offer me a summer job in the NICU... Miracles happen daily for me and for everyone, you just have to be looking.
Praise the L-rd! He got me a job I didn't even expect and I am so excited for the many opportunities I will be given with this job and being able to go to almost every floor in the hospital.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
New Exercise Regimine
Hey y'all, I'm starting this new workout regimen with Nurse Dee. I'm trying to get to a point where I am confortable in clothes and to where I can maybe even wear a swim suit...
Yes, I was on a different program a few months ago but I've been slackin'. I thought I was doing good so then I fell off the band wagon. Never assume that you are doing good at anything because that is typically when G-d decides to show you that you aren't as good at life as you thought you were.
Anyway, I just did day 1 of the workout and it was only 8 minutes but I'm shaking everywhere. The workout is Bikini Body Mommy. I'm not a mom and I don't actually plan on being bikini ready, but it seems like a great way to get in shape. It's going to be rough, but that's how you know you're actually doing something, right?
Well, I need to go shower and finish all my homework. I'm fixin' to start Dead Week at school which means it is almost summer time!!! This summer is going to be great and I cannot wait to be done with school for awhile.
Yes, I was on a different program a few months ago but I've been slackin'. I thought I was doing good so then I fell off the band wagon. Never assume that you are doing good at anything because that is typically when G-d decides to show you that you aren't as good at life as you thought you were.
Anyway, I just did day 1 of the workout and it was only 8 minutes but I'm shaking everywhere. The workout is Bikini Body Mommy. I'm not a mom and I don't actually plan on being bikini ready, but it seems like a great way to get in shape. It's going to be rough, but that's how you know you're actually doing something, right?
Well, I need to go shower and finish all my homework. I'm fixin' to start Dead Week at school which means it is almost summer time!!! This summer is going to be great and I cannot wait to be done with school for awhile.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Inappropriate Laughter
Today in Developmental Psych we had a guest speaker come in to talk to us about elderly people and death because apartently this is the half of the semester for everyone on earth to talk about death.
Anyway, I had been slacking off all class period because I highly dislike that class. The material is fascinating but I cannot track my instructor because she is... well... she's... I don't know how to say it nicely so I'm gonna just not say anything.
Well, after Facebook had been fully explored and I ran out of things to Google, I naturally got onto iFunny. Oh man, I nearly started dying laughing in the middle of a class of 120 listening to a presentation on death and old age. Needless to say I put my iPad away when I could no longer hold in my laughter. I was also mildly slap happy due to lack of sleep and several weeks of feeling down.
Does anyone else slack off in class? It seems like a waste to no go since we pay so much for this education, but I don't pay attention to some classes anyway. Really, what's the difference?
Anyway, I had been slacking off all class period because I highly dislike that class. The material is fascinating but I cannot track my instructor because she is... well... she's... I don't know how to say it nicely so I'm gonna just not say anything.
Well, after Facebook had been fully explored and I ran out of things to Google, I naturally got onto iFunny. Oh man, I nearly started dying laughing in the middle of a class of 120 listening to a presentation on death and old age. Needless to say I put my iPad away when I could no longer hold in my laughter. I was also mildly slap happy due to lack of sleep and several weeks of feeling down.
Does anyone else slack off in class? It seems like a waste to no go since we pay so much for this education, but I don't pay attention to some classes anyway. Really, what's the difference?
A Wedding Typically Requires Dating...
My mom informed me that she has found a second-hand wedding dress store in the city. She is wedding dress shopping for me. The girl who is slightly broken in the relationship and development areas of life. I believe G-d works miracles and me getting married would be pretty darn close to Him parting the sea for Moses...
Maybe I'll get married to the family friend she is trying to set me up with. Haha, I shouldn't be so cynical but it's a pretty solid coping mechanism for me so far.
Maybe I'll get married to the family friend she is trying to set me up with. Haha, I shouldn't be so cynical but it's a pretty solid coping mechanism for me so far.
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